A timeless collection

of memories & wisdom

from elders around the world

Listen to your elders. There is no better wisdom for you.

Ehsan Seghal

After All Project is a global collection of stories and memories or, in other words, treasures, from from over-80s sharing their life experience with younger people.

The ongoing technological shift often leaves some very important voices out of the choir: our elders, the people who have the longest life experience and wisdom.

We aim to open a window into their world, and to share these untold stories and perspectives with you.

With the After All Project we aim to give a voice to the Silent Generation, one story at a time.

Long Lives
Make Great Stories

A gift for you, your elders and the world.
After All Project is about understanding life through those who had plenty of it, creating a collection of memories and wisdom accessible to everyone.

How to Join Us

If you are at least 80 years old or know someone who is, we’d love to set up an interview.
Please get in touch and share the gift of life  experience.


Set Up the Interview 

We kindly ask for the video to be set up in landscape mode and for each participant to be interviewed individually in their own language.

Please sit your interviewee comfortably, in the center of the screen making sure their face is in focus and well-lit.
High Resolution videos are preferred, if possible.


Listen & Enjoy 

This is your chance to share a special time of connection. Sit back, listen, and be curious. Be respectful and embrace all stories. Take all the time that is needed.

*Please ask for consent to the use of the interview (download the instruction file below) during the recording.


Share & Join our Global Collection

Share your file with us at stories@afterallproject.com
(If the file is too large please use wetransfer.com)
Your feedback about your experience is welcome.

Once the interview (or parts of it) has been published we shall send you a link to the web page.

Download our Interview Guide


© Copyright After All Project 2021
Website by marinaraki.com



© Copyright After All Project 2021
Website by marinaraki.com