Long Lives & Migration



Lunghe Vite & Migrazioni (long lives and migration) was born from the collaboration between Com.it.es of the Cape Provinces in South Africa and After All Project.

It consists of a collection of video interviews with Italian people residing in the Cape provinces, as part of a journey to preserve and share the cultural heritage of the Italian community in South Africa.

In these interviews, people talk about the most significant moments of their lives, highlighting both their uniqueness and the common thread that unites every human being.

Furthermore, their narration sheds light on some of the opportunities and challenges faced by those who lived through decades of great transformation in their country of origin and in the one that has become their home.

After All…I live fully

Life hit Lella hard in many occasions. Faced with war, displacement, misery, illness and the death of her beloved husband, every time Lella found herself hitting rock bottom she had the strength and faith to stand up again with renewed optimism.

Whilst starting a new business at 89, Lella is keen to remind everyone that it is never too late to develop our potential and choosing to live a full life.

After All…I am a weaver of cultures & communities

Maria-Grazia reached South Africa as a child when her family decided to leave troubled post-war Italy behind. Recounting a lifetime of hard work, looking after a growing family, overcoming tragedy and reinventing herself countless times, Maria-Grazia defines herself as a “Jack of all trades and master of none” with a talent for public relations and organizing events especially dedicated to the Italian community, making her a pillar for the preservation of the Italian history and culture in Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town.

After All…Every cloud has a silver lining

Having moved from Italy to South Africa as a child, Sergio recounts the early struggles of integrating into a new society and the ambitious steps of his multi-faceted career ranging from journalism to the retail sector. Sergio’s approach to life focuses on looking for the silver lining of every problem and turning them into an opportunity for growth and renewal.

After All…I took my time & embraced the beauty of life

Renata shares fond memories of her journey from Italy to South Africa, as her whole family migrated when she was 15 in the 1950s. Another great transition was taking place within her, as she moved from adolescence to adult age, making friends in her new country, starting her own business and experiencing a beautiful and independent life.

Renata describes the importance of living through each phase to the fullest, as she chose not to rush and skip steps. She offers some touching insights on South Africa and Italy based on her international life experience and as, an Italian businesswoman married to a South African man.

After All…I rejoice in my family

Virgina was born in South Africa in 1940 from parents of Italian origin.
She grew up by a detention camp in Zonderwater surrounded by Italian war prisoners who ended up becoming part of her family.

She studied Italian in Perugia during the swinging 1960s and seized the chance to meet her long lost relatives and friends as well as people from all over the world who were studying there. Currently she lives in Cape Town, rejoicing her successfull marriage and her children, grandchildren and friends living nearby.

After All…I wasn’t afraid to re-invent myself…

Ciro is a passionate journalist who loves his family and is not afraid of change. In his 84 years of life he moved many times, following his heart and pursuing the life and career he wanted. In this interview he tells us about his youth in Asmara (Eritrea) and meeting his wife, moving to Italy and looking for work, the start of his career as a journalist, his migration to South Africa and the new opportunities that welcomed him in Johannesburg. Ciro re-invented his journalistic carreer many times, following his inspiration, and covered many historical events, including Mandela’s liberation.


© Copyright After All Project 2021
Website by marinaraki.com



© Copyright After All Project 2021
Website by marinaraki.com