Our Interviews

After All…life is all about waiting…

Luciana was born in the 1940s from a single mother, faced a rare disease, encountered real love and had 3 children. In her interview everything is mysteriously linked to the number 9 and to the idea of waiting…

After All…I am surrounded by caring people

Fatima grew up in a small village in South Africa, until one day she discovered that travel would change her life forever, opening her mind and her heart. 

After All…I stand up for progress

Giorgio has been embodying the spirit of progress through activism since the 1960s. He visited China more than 10 times and acted as a cultural bridge between Italy and China when international travelling was still uncommon.

After All…My worth was celebrated

Asok was born in Bengal in 1941. Growing up in Kolkata as the youngest of a large family, he always knew that economic stability would be an important goal for him to achieve. He did not, however, forget to have fun and cherish the relationship with his daughters.


© Copyright After All Project 2021
Website by marinaraki.com



© Copyright After All Project 2021
Website by marinaraki.com